Set during the 1960s, this phenomenally popular series stars Nick Berry as a young PC whose work takes him into the heart of community life in a north Yorkshire village. Staple Sunday-night viewing for two decades, Heartbeat featured a host of colourful characters that viewers took to their hearts, illustrious guest stars and a wonderfully nostalgic soundtrack.
This first of three sets comprises the first seven series – all of Nick Rowan’s stories and more. Introducing much-loved regulars like cheeky rogue Claude Jeremiah Greengrass and his nemesis Sgt. Blaketon, PC Phil Bellamy, barmaid Gina and Maggie the district nurse, the set also features the 1999 special in which Nick and his family begin a new life in Canada as well as the introduction of Rowan’s successor, Mike Bradley, played by Jason Durr.
29 Discs