The eight-part HBO limited series stars John Turturro and Riz Ahmed. Created by Steven Zaillian and Richard Price, The Night Of explores a New York City murder case fraught with cultural and political complications. HBO says The Night Of examines the police investigation, the legal proceedings, the criminal justice system and Rikers Island, where the accused await trial.
The Night Of TV series cast also includes: Michael Kenneth Williams, Bill Camp, Jeannie Berlin, Poorna Jagannathan, Payman Maadi, Glenne Headly, Amara Karan, Sofia Black-D’Elia, Paul Sparks, Ben Shenkman, Afton Williamson, Paulo Costanzo, Ned Eisenberg, Mohammad Bakri, Nabil Elouahabi, Ashley Thomas, Glenn Fleshler, and Chip Zien.
3 Discs