Series 1: Amy Huberman (Striking Out, Cold Feet) created, wrote, and stars in this quirky, life-affirming Irish comedy with a “satisfyingly filthy sense of humour” (The Irish Times). Routine-loving Joy is having a tough time after a messy breakup with boyfriend, Aidan (Lochlann O’Mearáin, Love & Friendship). Then a promotion forces her to step out of her comfort zone as she replaces her network’s star vlogger, the Happy Hunter. The job sends Joy to unusual places where people find bliss: wrestling matches, wellness retreats, hot yoga, and more, all while filming her discomfort. Will Joy be able to accept the changes in her life and find happiness of her own?
Series 2: In the second season, encouraged by her stint as an internet sensation, Joy has started her own video channel in the continued search for happiness. Amidst the constant pressure of producing content, the glossy lifestyle she wanted starts to lose its shine. And with a tarot-reading roommate unable to pay rent and a best friend needing help with her new baby, Joy’s home life isn’t any easier. But she has it all under control… kind of.