Final 12 episodes from the first season of the anime adaptation of the light novel series. When a 34-year-old shut-in is run over and killed, he is shocked to find himself reincarnated in a different world as Rudeus Greyrat (voice of Yumi Uchiyama). Retaining the memories of his previous life, young Rudeus displays an accelerated mental development and soon proves to have an aptitude for magic. Under the tutelage of the adventuring magician Roxy Migurdia (Konomi Kohara), Rudeus vows to make the most of his new life and help those in need. The episodes are: ‘The Woman With the Demon Eyes’, ‘Missed Connections’, ‘No Such Thing As a Free Lunch’, ‘Slow Life in the Doldia Village’, ‘Family Squabble’, ‘Reunion’, ‘Separate Journeys’, ‘Route Selection’, ‘The Birth of My Little Sister, the Maid’, ‘Turning Point 2’, ‘Dreams and Reality’ and ‘Wake Up and Take a Step’.