Set amongst the beautiful vistas of 19th Century Tuscany, Pinocchio is the tale of a young boy brought into the world by magic and utterly unprepared for what his new life has to throw at him. On this voyage of self-discovery Pinocchio (Robbie Kay, Hannibal Rising) invites danger at every turn, much to the heartbreak of the father who created him from wood, Geppetto (Oscar winner Bob Hoskins, Who Framed Roger Rabbit).
Pinocchio’s misadventures find him hunted by assassins, whisked away to the temptations of the Land of Toys, transformed into a donkey, placed centre stage at a traveling circus and swallowed by a giant shark. Plagued by shame, regret and the ever-present possibility of further corruption, Pinocchio’s only chance of redemption and happiness is to find his way back to Geppetto.